Topcon Positioning Systems
Grow your way.
High-precision hardware, software and data to bring you efficiency and enhanced productivity to every phase of the farming operation. Designed to reduce inputs and increase production in soil preparation, seeding, crop care, harvest, weighing, and feed management.
Big farm technology. Small budget prices.
Modern touchscreen console options

XC1 / XC1 Plus (7" or 10" display)
Reliable GNSS receiver

Powerful electric steering wheel


Designed with quality in mind
With over 20 years in steering solutions, you can expect easy-to-use technology, smart features, reliable global support, and a path to guide you to the next level on your precision agriculture journey.
Navigate profit with proven autosteering
• Responsive touchscreen console
• Easy-to-use software
• Scalable corrections, as accurate as you need
• Reliable satellite tracking, multi-constellation GNSS
• Durable design, open-cab ready
• Quick installation and machine swappable
Offering guidance patterns or every application


Center Pivot


Steer smart with relevant features

Steer to boundary
Generates guidance line from boundary to follow with autosteer to maximise land.

Generates guidance line based upon lass pass coverage so you don’t overlap.

Headland Turns
Automatically generate and execute turns at end of rows for seamless transition into next pass.
Soil Preparation
A complete ISOBUS solution designed for varying conditions, suited for any operation. Tillage according to plan.
• Automatic depth control ensuring implement maintains desired depth
• Optional automatic fore/aft control ensuring implement is always parallel to soil (only on tillage implements equipped with capable hydraulics)
• Set point mode/bump allowing quick manual depth adjustments, including single button to lift implement while turning at end of field
Consistent and repeatable tillage depth control.
ISO-UT compatibility for display flexibility.
Easy to install, setup and use, reducing stress.
Improve operational efficiency, reducing input costs.
Solution Overview
Ultrasonic Sensor
Norac Ultrasonic Sensor for precise and proven sensing (up to 4 sensors for increased control)
Power enhancements to any TopCon solution

Display compatibility for ISOBUS protocol solutions.

Data Transfer Devices
Automatically upload data via cellular networks to TopCon's digital management platform.

Digital Farm Management
Easily manage subscriptions, upload and manage all farm data. Visualize information and make better decisions.

Apollo Seeding/Planting Controller
Seeding and planting implement control.